Conditions of hire - Denham Village Memorial Hall

Denham Village Memorial Hall
Email:    Telephone: 07708 601576
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Terms and Conditions of Hire
Denham Memorial Hall is a charity registered as a Trust to provide a facility for the local Denham community.  It is run by volunteers and is not a commercial profit making organisation.

How to hire the Hall

1.      The Main Hall and/or the May Coles Room can only be hired by a person over 21 years of age (“the Hirer”) and they will be responsible for the event and must remain on the premises throughout the duration of the booking.
2.      Booking is via a booking form along with a deposit which is to be put in to the Trust’s bank account. The booking fee for the hire is due at least one month before the date of hire, if not received the Trust may cancel the booking.
3.      Denham residents and charities will be initialled to a discount, proof must be provided.
4.      If the Hirer cancels fees paid will only be refunded if the Trust secures a substitute booking and only to the extent that this covers the original fees.
5.    The Trust reserves the right to refuse or cancel any booking, the Trust shall refund all monies paid or may offer an alternative date. The Trust shall not incur any other liability whatsoever to the Hirer.
6.     The Hall may only be used during the hours agreed on the booking form. If not vacated at the end of the agreed time, extra charges will be made and the Trust reserves the right to deduct this from the deposit paid.
7.     The fees for hiring the Hall will be as agreed and set out on the booking form. (Rates of hire are reviewed annually). Extra costs resulting in the hire will be the responsibility of the hirer and charged accordingly.
8.      Sub-letting of the Hall is strictly forbidden.
9.    In the event that the Hirer has any concern about the condition of the Hall they must advise the Trust (via any one or more of its officers) within 30 minutes from the pre-agreed commencement of the booking.
Indemnities, Insurance, Licences and Liability
10.   It is the responsibility of the Hirer to carry out an appropriate risk assessment for the event and in accordance with Health and Safety legislation. The Hirer must consider care of guests, minors and children attending the event and must not cause disruptions to residents (e.g. noise levels must be considered). Including suitable supervision during arrival, departure and presence in the Hall and grounds. If a Child Protection Policy is in place the Trust will need a copy.
11.   The Hirer shall indemnify the Trust, its trustees, officers and committee members against any claim that may arise out of the hiring of the Hall or indirect result of the hire. The Trust and its officers, trustees or committee members shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury to persons or property, or damage to any vehicle or its contents parked in the Hall’s car park or grounds.
12.   The Hirer agrees to use the Hall in accordance with the County Council licence and must obtain any other licences in connection with the booking of the Hall.  EG. Without extra licence, no intoxicating liquor may be sold in the Hall or its grounds. If obtained the Hirer must provide the Trust with a copy for the period and must have written consent of the Trust. The Hire must arrange for the payment and/or reimbursement to the Trust of any charges arising from the use of the Hall, also in respect of performing rights or copyright.
Use of the Hall
13.   The Hall and grounds are a non-smoking site
14.   Fire exits must not be blocked under any circumstances, All fire doors must be kept closed
15.   Only equipment that has been electrically tested and bears the appropriate safety label on the plug/wire can be used in the Hall.
16.   Temporary decorations may only be affixed to the timber railing at 2 metres from the floor, drawing pins or blue tack (or similar) may be used on this and nowhere else. The use of sellotape is forbidden on any surface. Nothing must be attached to the walls.
17.   All lighting should be switched off when not required or not in use.
18.   The kitchen can be provided for catering purposes, food preparation must be confined to the kitchen area.
19.   The positioning of beer kegs and similar must be discussed with the Trust prior to the event.
Vacation of the Hall
20.   The Hall must be left in a clean and tidy condition. All rubbish must be removed from the Hall at the end of the booking and disposed of by the Hirer.
21.   The deposit will be refunded in full 14 days after the booking only if the Trust is satisfied that items 20 & 22 are obeyed and the Hall vacated at the agreed time. Any costs incurred to Hall will be the responsibility of the Hirer.
22.   Checklist on vacation of the Hall.  Breach of these may result in a deduction from the deposit.
·        All furniture must be returned to the correct storage area and must be stored away properly and in accordance with the instructions
·        The lighting must be switched off
·        All temporary decorations (including balloons) must be removed
·        The floors must be swept and the Hall left clean and tidy
·        Rubbish must be removed from the premises by the Hirer
·        All doors and windows must be locked and the Hall must be made secure
·        The car park gates must be locked
·        The keys must be returned as directed.
Regular Hirers
1.  For the avoidance of doubt, regular hirers are bound by the above terms and conditions.
2.  Regular hirers must only use the Hall during the pre-agreed hours as per the booking form.  Use outside the agreed hours or entry into the Hall (without the prior written agreement of the Trust) is strictly forbidden
3.  Regular Hirers must pay for their hires on receipt of their monthly invoice.  All hires must be paid for in advance.
4.  The Hall requires 14 days notice of cancellation of a booking. (Also please note item 5)
5.  Hirers are responsible for the Hall keys and must not release the keys to any unauthorised person. In the event of loss of keys, the Hirer concerned will be responsible for costs to secure the Hall.
7.  Each regular hirer will be issued with a log to complete to confirm that the check out procedure has been followed and the Hall made secure upon departure.  This log must be completed, signed, dated and retained until requested by the Trust.
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of hire, you cannot hire the Hall.
August 2024
After the Corona Virus we lost a few regular hirers if you need a venue please contact the booking clerk.

Denham Village Memorial Hall
Village Road
Denham Village
Contact us    
07708 601576   
Reg. Charity No. 202124
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